JIRA Tutorial 2025 : Projects

February 3, 2025

In this post I'm going to break down one of the fundamental concepts in Jira: projects. You're going to find out why we need projects and see how issues relate to those projects.

What is a Jira Project?

Think of a Jira project as a container – a bit like a digital filing cabinet for your work items. Every piece of work you track in Jira needs to live somewhere, and that somewhere is a project.

Viewing Jira Projects

There's two key points to understand about how issues relate to projects:

  • Each project can hold one or more “issues" (or records that track units of work if you prefer that terminology)
  • Every issue belongs to one project

It's important to understand that an issue can only live in one project. Be aware though, that whilst an issue can't live in multiple projects, you can view and report on issues across different projects – we'll come to this later.

In short each of your projects will contain its own set of issues, in order to help you keep everything organised and easy to find.

Project Configuration: The Basics

When you set up a project, you'll need to make some decisions about how it will be configured. Typically those configuration items will be:

  • What issue types (work items) your project uses
  • How work flows from start to finish (workflow and status)
  • Who can access and modify items in the project (privileges)
  • What information you need to track in your projects issues (standard and custom fields)

There is much more to configuring projects but these are the fundemental configuration items. We'll talk more about things like “Issue Types" and “Workflow" in future modules. For now though you just need to understand that each project can be setup and configured differently to suit different ways of working.

Creating Your First Project

Jira makes it easy to get started by providing templates.

Jira Project Templates

These templates come with pre-configured settings so you don't have to start from scratch. The templates will get you started but you'll want to tweak and adjust things to get the project modelling your real world way of working.

Team-Managed vs. Company-Managed Projects

When creating a project, you'll need to choose between two types:

1. Team-Managed Projects:

  • Easier to administer
  • Perfect for teams just starting with Jira
  • More autonomy for team members
  • Simpler configuration options

2. Company-Managed Projects:

  • More complex but more flexible
  • Requires administrator involvement for changes
  • Better for larger organizations
  • More standardization across projects

If you're just starting out with Jira then a team-managed project is the place to start. You can switch to company-managed later if you need more configurability (bear in mind that although this switch is possible it isn't straight foward).

Anatomy of a Project

Once you've created your project, you'll notice several different ways to view your work:

Timeline View

Think of this as your project's calendar or Gantt chart.

Jira Project Timeline

It shows when work is scheduled to happen and how different pieces of work relate to each other over time.

Backlog View

This is your project's complete to-do list.

Jira Project Backlog

The Backlog contains all the work items that haven't been started yet but are planned for the future.

Board View

This is like a digital whiteboard where you can visualise your work/issues and move work items through different stages.

Jira Project List View

It's perfect for when you need to see everything in one place and make bulk updates. Also really useful for those of you used to working with Spreadsheets for task management.

Issues View

This is where you can see detailed information about individual work items.

Jira Project Issues View

This view is similar to the list view but historically has been the default way of viewing and working with your issues. There's some powerful search and sort featuers here (including the ability to use Jira Query Language which we'll talk about later).

Creating and Managing Issues

Now, let's talk about the actual work items you'll create in your project. As we've mentioned before, In Jira, we call these “issues." Every time you create a new Issue you'll need to select the project it belongs to. It's one of the first fields you're presented with (see the image below).

Creating Jira Issues

You'll see that when you create an issue you populate it with a lot of other data too. Below we detail the data that goes into creating these issues.

Anatomy of an Issue

Every issue has:

  • A unique identifier (like MYP-1)
  • A summary (brief description)
  • A status (like To Do, In Progress, or Done)
  • A priority (how important is it)
  • An assignee (who's responsible for it)
  • Various other fields depending on your needs

When you create a project it's given a unique key. In the examples above our project is called “My Project" and Jira has given it the project key “MYP". This key is used to create unique identifiers for every issue you create. For example when you create your first issue in a new project, “My Project", that first issue is given the key MYP-1. It's not difficult to work out what the key will be for the 2nd issue and so on.

Issue Types

Another core aspect of a project is the types of issues they can contain. Different projects can contain different issue types. And, depending on your project template, you might have different types of issues available right from the start:

Jira Issue Types

As you'll see from the image you have a some default issue types that you can choose from. This of the issue type as representing the “Type of work" you will be undertaking. This list of “Issue Types" is a factor of this projects configuration. A standard project typically includes:

  • Epics (large pieces of work that can be broken down)
  • Stories (user-focused features)
  • Tasks (general work items)
  • Bugs (problems that need fixing)
  • Subtasks (smaller pieces of larger issues)

These are the default “Issue Types" that a project can be setup with. As we'll see later you can configure your own issue types to represent the types of work you undertake.

Searching and Filtering

One of Jira's most powerful features is its search capability. The most powerful search capability can be found in the “Issues" are of your project:

Searching For Jira Issues

You can search for issues based on all sorts of fields. By default these include:

  • Project
  • Issue type
  • Status
  • Assignee
  • And many other criteria

This becomes incredibly useful as your project grows and you need to find specific items quickly.

Views and Visualization

Let's look at the different ways you can visualize your work. The three main views (the ones you'll use most often) include the Board View, List View and Timeline View

Board View

This is perfect for teams using Agile methodologies. This gives you the ability to move “Issue" cards from one status column to another status column as you track the progress of work on a given task.

Using Jira Boards to Track Status

You can:

  • Drag and drop issues between columns
  • See work progress at a glance
  • Manage work in sprints
  • Update issues quickly

List View

This view is as close as you'll get to viewing your tasks is a spreadsheet like view. It's relatively new to Jira but brings with it some powerful features like the ability to bulk update issues.

Updating Jira Issues in List View

You can:

  • Update multiple issues at once
  • Sort and filter easily
  • Export data when needed

Timeline View

Timeline view is Jira's way of helping you manage projects in an old school Gantt type view. This view is best for scheduling work and viewing dependencies between issues.

Jira Timeline/Gantt View

Use this when you need to:

  • See work scheduled over time
  • Understand dependencies
  • Plan future work

Tips for New Users

If you're just starting out with Jira it can be quite an overwhelming tool to get to grips with. If this is you then you might want to consider:

Tips for New Users

If you're just starting out with Jira it can be quite an overwhelming tool to get to grips with. If this is you then you might want to consider:

1. Mastering One View First
You have timelines, boards, lists, backlogs, etc. Pick one view (like the lists view) and just use that to begin with. Master managing your issues with that view then move on to master the other views.

2. Using Templates
Take advantage of Jira’s project templates. They’re designed for specific use cases and can save you lots of setup time. Just be aware that you can start with a “Team Managed" project but it’ll limit what you can do later.

3. Think About Structure
Before creating lots of issues, think about how you want to organize your work. This means think about what information you want to track in a Jira issue, what status values you need and what workflow you want to model.

4. Learn to Search
The “Issues" menu item provides Jira’s most powerful search feature. You’ll want to master this. Knowing how to find what you need quickly will make your life much easier as your project grows.


Jira is a powerful tool, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming. Start with the basics:

  • Create a team-managed project
  • Use templates to get started quickly
  • Create and organize your issues (e.g. by Issue Type)
  • Learn to use different views to visualize your work

As you become more comfortable with these basics, you can explore more advanced features like custom workflows, advanced searching, and cross-project boards. But for now, focus on mastering these fundamentals, and you'll be well on your way to becoming a Jira expert.

In the next post and video we'll look at Jira Workflows.