Migrations From HP ALM to Azure Dev Ops
Employing the MIG Migration tool set to ensure successful ALM – Azure migrations. The tool set and migration process that focuses on your users needs. Covering everything from full data set migrations to training and mentoring. The structured approach that ensures your testers needs become the focus of everything.
7 Things you need to know about how the Azure Test Management module works:
1. Assignment
2. Version control
3. Parametrisation
4. Libraries
5. Result Aggregation
6. Retesting
7. Configurations and Releases
User Adoption Is The Critical Factor In Successful Migrations From HP ALM to Azure Dev Ops and It’s Achievable When You Employ The MIG Migration Process
There's a technique to ALM – Azure migrations. A technique that most people miss or just ignore. We encapsulate this technique in our unique MIG migration process. No one else approaches this in the same way. But what is this process?
“User adoption is EVERYTHING!"Without complete and total user adoption your migration project will lurch forward in fits and starts. Never truly achieving or meeting your expectations.
It doesn't matter if you pick the best tool. Doesn't matter if you have a brilliantly integrated system. Doesn't matter if you migration every last 'bit' of data.
If you don't have user adoption … you don't have anything.
Engage with your users. Embrace your testers concerns. Listen to what they have to say. Work to solve their concerns and deliver what they need.
Your migration MUST succeed. It'll only succeed if you listen, engage and work diligently with with your team.
Only problem is you don't have much time. You can't afford to waste time stuck in the technical detail. And you have enough to deal with without picking up an endless stream of questions and concerns.
** You just need to migrate and move on! **
Let us employ our MIG migration process for you and I promise you – we'll save you time, hassle and money.
Data extraction tools designed and built specifically to gather all the critical data you've accumulated over years of intensive testing. Support for tools like ALM Octane, Quality Center, Azure Dev Ops and Jira (Xray, Zephyr, QMetry, etc).
With any migration you'll find a need to cleanse and translate your data. From mappings between custom field types to correcting data types and values. Delivering data consistency gives you data accuracy and ultimately helps deliver consistent cross project reporting.
An upload process that gives you the ability to replicate traceability data, attachments, test results and much more. For large scale, high volume, migrations we provide re-try and data checking to ensure reliability and consistency. Template project creation also supported for large scale migrations.

In the next few paragraphs I'm going to explain why working with our MIG migration process is so important.
You see I've spent the last 20 year specializing in Test Management. I've advised and worked on migrations for companies with teams spanning the globe. Companies that had to migrate hundreds of thousands of test cases.
And what happens is this…. a few key people start out looking at the technical aspects of the migration. That's natural. After all it's the domain we all feel most comfortable with.
They work out the technical approach and then set to work with the migration. Then, this person, that team, that user, all start presenting their problems and concerns.
Before you know it everyone is “head down", focused on solving a multitude of different technical issues.
And guess what?
Once the “heads go down" you've lost sight of what's really important. You're caught in the trap of fiddling with stuff that probably doesn't mater.
What YOU need is to keep people focused on the desired outcome.
Are You Struggling To Get Your ALM to Azure Migration Moving?
If you're struggling to build momentum, or you just don't know where to start….. DON'T start with the technical aspects. Start with the human aspects.
The thought of this might might fill you with dread. You might feel that this is going to make everything more time consuming.
That's totally understandable. Is usual for us to want to focus on the technology because we love working with the technology. We love coming up with a technical solution to a problem. It's what we're good at.
It's just that migrations are a special kind of beast. At it's heart this is a big organizational change. A change that takes time…..
- Takes time to win people over
- Takes time to teach people new ways of doing things
- Takes time to ensure processes are followed consistently
- Takes time to analyze the requirements of individual teams
- Takes time to roll out
- Takes time to …. and the list goes on!
Time you probably don't have!?
Do you want to save yourself that time? Do you want to speed things up?
Do you want to massively stack the odds in your favour? Do you want to free up the next few months so that you can get on with everything else that's on your plate?
That's where the MIG process comes in. Employing our MIG process is the smart way to approach this.
The MIG process focuses as much on the user adoption aspects as it does on the technical migration aspects. It keeps you team engaged and enthusiastic about your migration. Ensures a successful migration!
Don't Put This Off
If you're putting this off it's understandable. Migrations are complex! You understand that time and effort is needed here.
You're under pressure to migrate AND continue with your existing testing commitments.
The pressure is on you to continue without missing a step. You need to continue delivering. Continue to hit those deadlines.
You're faced with yet another one of those priorities that's at the top of the list and must be dealt with. Along with all the other priorities that must be dealt with.
All of these conflicting priorities.
The reason we succeed with our MIG process is because we understand these priorities. We work with the demands that are placed on you … not against them.
We complete all the preparation up front. Then we work on overnight or weekend data migrations.
The time to get this moving is NOW!
We have 3 free discovery and road mapping sessions available this month! Book yours now.
Why Choose Us?
When I undertook my first migration nearly 10 years ago…it started out well. In fact it ended well. Actually it went pretty well in the middle too.
That was because I realised early on that this was about the people. NOT the technology!
Yes I spent time focusing on the technical aspects of the migration. That was complex but relatively straight forward
However, I came to realise that it's more about helping individuals. Helping individuals in companies like yours plot the path to migrate. Help you make the pragmatic decisions about what and how to migrate.
That approach is all driven from experience.
That experience learnt from 20 years as a tester, test lead and test manager. I understand the technical complexities. Not only that but I understand the people that this migration matters to.
When you're engaged with global migrations, when you're flying between London, Montreal, Madrid and Soul your working with the types of teams you've spent your whole life working with. Professionals that understand their job and understand the importance of the tools they need to complete the job.
It's that experience and understanding that gives me a unique perspective and ability to bridge the gaps and deliver the results.
It's that experience that means I understand the pressure you're under to deliver!
How Does This Work?
So how does this all work? Well we break this down into 3 phases…
- Assessment and Specification
- Training and Planning
- Migration and Support
Each phase then further broken down into a series of steps. Download the MIG PDF to learn more.
Critical to all of this though is that first phase that culminates in a Proof of Concept (PoC).
A successful PoC builds confidence and trust with your team. And that trust helps ensure engagement. Engagement helps build understanding. And understanding leads to user adoption.
And remember user adoption is everything in this game!
That's why the MIG's approach to balancing the Technical and People aspects of these migrations works!. It works because we spend time understanding how each team and team member uses HP ALM and we see what's important to them. When you understand that and you prove you understand that you're half way there.
How can I get started?
Let's get started with a free discovery and outlining session. We'll walk you through the 7 critical factors that you need to consider as part of your migration.
With a discovery session we can :
- Talk you through the differences between that HP ALM and Azure Dev Ops.
- Take you through a check list of features that you're probably not aware are missing from Azure Dev Ops.
- Help you with suggested work-arounds and fore warn you.
You may wish to go no further after that discovery call. And that's fine. At least you'll be armed with some very critical information before you go any further.
What Now?
Look, I'm sure you understand what's at stake here. You know our experience of large scale migrations could be invaluable to you. And we've offered you a free up front discovery session – with no obligations.
Now it's your time for a decision. The way I see it is that you have three options:
Option #1 – Do absolutely nothing – Let the problem grow and accept that it'll come back to bite you at some point. All the time it's festering there in the background you can accept that your team is missing out on the integration benefits from everyone working in Azure Dev Ops.
Option #2 – Do it yourself – You can try and figure out all the technical migration issues. You can work your way through each off those as they surface. You can spend time working out how you're going to build enthusiasm with you team for a migration. You can waste months trying to ensure consistent user adoption.
If you're willing to add significantly to your work load and you're willing to spend months overseeing this then go for it. Other priorities might suffer but you something has to be at the top of that priority list!
Or ……
Option #3 – Let us do the heavy lifting for you – Let us put our proven MIG process to work for you. We'll do the leg work. We already know where the pitfalls are so we'll steer you clear of those. And we already have the collateral available to start building user engagement.
All you need to do is sign up for that initial free discovery call. No obligation, no cost and nothing to lose. A lot to gain in fact!!!
So from these three options ask yourself…
“What's going to be easier for me?"
I have 3 slots left in my calendar this month for discovery calls.
If you want one … book now……
If you're about to embark on a data migration project why not talk to us
first? In one of our free, no obligation, discovery calls we can provide you
with advice on how you can best approach your migration project.

Book A Free Demo
- Advice from an industry expert
- For local and distributed teams
- Personalised for your company
- All your questions answered

Bill Echlin
Test Management Specialist
Test Management Systems Ltd
We Help Agile Teams Implement Test Management Systems