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Month: September 2011

Ways to Cut the Cost of your Test Management Project

September 22, 2011
For many these days, the almost unlimited budgets to spend on test management tools are long gone. However the importance of getting the right solution is no less diminished. If you’re looking to cut costs with implementing the right system then these suggestions may help. Do you really need a new application – many organisations already have a solution in place. That may be the top end market leading product or an excel/word based framework. Perhaps it’s this existing setup that isn’t working well for you. The temptation is to rip it out and migrate to a shiny new system. Before you do that however look at the options associated with re-implementing what you already have in place. This will...

Test Management Reports and Dashboards

September 2, 2011
The art of test management can be considered a niche topic within the realm of Software Testing. Yet we can drill down on test management further and look at the development of reports and dashboards as a topic in it’s own right too. All manner of data, statistics and information can be reported on. The more data we enter as part of our process the more information we have to report on. We have tools capable of collecting everything from pass/fail ratios to the exact time taken for execution. In short we’re spoilt for choice when it comes to creating dashboards and reports. The trick is sorting through all of this data to report on what is important. And to...