October 7, 2013
We’ve mentioned in previous posts about Name Mapping in our software test automation tool TestComplete. Whilst creating a Mapped name for an object we select a few properties which we use to identify that object. This is the ‘Basic Mode’ of Name Mapping. In some cases though, the value of the selected property may differ. Perhaps in a different environment the properties are different. For example, a window may have different class name in different OS. Sometimes you may want to give the value of the property within some range or with some condition. For example, Childcount > 34, or Name should start with the string “save”. To create name mapping with these conditions we have to use the Conditional...
In Testcomplete the Test Items page within your project is used to organize, manage & execute the test cases that you’ve automated. For example we might have developed test automation scripts for thousands of test cases. However, each time we want to create a software test automation run we may want to execute only a selection of the testcases. We may also want to execute some multiple times with different test data. The Test Items feature allows us to perform all of these tasks simply. Organise Testcases Execute only selected Testcases. Execute a testcase multiple times Executing a testcase with different test data A blank Test Items page will look like this: So lets work with this and consider the...
October 4, 2013
Let us consider a recorded test automation script for a scenario in an application. In that script, we have the test data which we entered into our application while recording the test. If you execute the script, it will use exactly the same test data. However, this approach isn’t scalable and forces you to use the same test data every time your run the script. So ideally we should create test scenarios with a range of different test data. If your application has a scenario, which needs to be tested with different test data, then you can go with data-driven framework for automated testing. A Data-Driven framework is an excellent test automation framework, which gives good test coverage with minimal...
October 2, 2013
The Full Name of an object, which is defined by TestComplete, can be difficult to work with. For example if you have a long object name with special characters, typing and reading it can be time consuming and prone to typing mistakes. Let us say a textbox in a web page has the following name. Sys.Process(“iexplore”, 2).Page(“https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=mail&passive=true&rm=false&continue=http%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fmail%2F%3Fui%3Dhtml%26zy%3Dl&bsv=llya694le36z&scc=1<mpl=default<mplcache=2&from=login”).Table(1).Cell(0, 1).Panel(“login”).Form(“gaia_loginform”).Panel(“gaia_loginbox”).Table(0).Cell(0, 0).Panel(0).Table(“gaia_table”).Cell(2, 1).Textbox(“Email”) This is not a simple bit of text to work with. To overcome this issue we can use the NameMapping feature. In the above mentioned object, from the text “Sys” to “Textbox(“Email”)” we can create a Mapped name for every object and use it in our scripts. If you want to learn more about the basics of how name mapping...