Category: Source Code Control

SVN Basics – Module 5: Tagging and Branching

June 12, 2018
On to tags and branching then. Tags allow us to give a more human-friendly name to a specific revision of our folders/files. Branching gives us the capability to create a copy of the folders/files in our repository and have a different copy to work on – without fear of corrupting our main copy. As you’ve probably already grasped every time you commit a changed file to the repository SVN gives the repository a new, incremented by 1, revision number. In a reasonably sized project, over a year or two, it’s not long before those revision numbers get into the thousands or even tens of thousands. So you’re likely to get to the point where you have a stable set of...

SVN Basics – Module 4: Managing Conflicts

June 4, 2018
We know how to create a repository. We know how to set up our SVN client and import our initial set of files. And in the 3rd module in this series, we saw how to check out and commit changes from/to the SVN repository. All pretty straightforward and easy to follow while just one user is working on one file. It won’t be long though before you start getting warning messages from SVN that you have a conflict. It’s how you should go about handling these conflicts we’re looking at in this module.   What you’ll find is that two people will be working on the same file and try to commit changes to the same file to the repository...

SVN Basics – Module 2: Setting Up the Tortoise SVN Client and SVN Import

May 14, 2018
In the first tutorial we looked at why we need SVN and setting up our own Visual SVN server. When working with your team at work or collaboratively over the net, you probably won’t need to setup the server. This will probably already be in place and you’ll be given an account that allows you access. We’ve setup our own Visual SVN server instance because it’s the quickest way to get started and to help us learn. Your own SVN server gives you an environment in which to practice and experiment. ` Once the server and repository are configured we need to setup our client to access this repository. The client allows us to pull files out of our central...

SVN Basics – Module 1: Core Components and Installing Visual SVN Server

May 9, 2018
In this set of tutorials, we’re going to take you through the basics of Subversion with Visual SVN Server and Tortoise SVN. Subversion (from here on in referred to as SVN) is a centralized Version Control System. That is, it’s a tool that allows us to version control files and collaborate on files. SVN deployed with Visual SVN Server gives us a server environment within which to maintain our files. Add to this a graphical user interface called “Tortoise SVN” and this gives us the simplest and quickest way for individuals to collaborate on files and version control those files.   SVN has been developed by CollabNet and is currently maintained by the Apache Software Foundation. It’s open source project...