October 2, 2013
The Full Name of an object, which is defined by TestComplete, can be difficult to work with. For example if you have a long object name with special characters, typing and reading it can be time consuming and prone to typing mistakes. Let us say a textbox in a web page has the following name. Sys.Process(“iexplore”, 2).Page(“https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=mail&passive=true&rm=false&continue=http%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fmail%2F%3Fui%3Dhtml%26zy%3Dl&bsv=llya694le36z&scc=1<mpl=default<mplcache=2&from=login”).Table(1).Cell(0, 1).Panel(“login”).Form(“gaia_loginform”).Panel(“gaia_loginbox”).Table(0).Cell(0, 0).Panel(0).Table(“gaia_table”).Cell(2, 1).Textbox(“Email”) This is not a simple bit of text to work with. To overcome this issue we can use the NameMapping feature. In the above mentioned object, from the text “Sys” to “Textbox(“Email”)” we can create a Mapped name for every object and use it in our scripts. If you want to learn more about the basics of how name mapping...
September 24, 2013
TestComplete has many features to simplify test automation script development work. One of them is Name Mapping. Using this feature we can create a Mapped name using the properties of the object in our application. We can then use this name to refer to that object in our scripts. But why should I create a Mapped name? What are the advantages of doing this? Let us consider the following example. In a web page we have a button, a ‘Login Button’. In the process tree the full name for this button is as follows: Full Name of Login button: Sys.Process(“iexplore”).Page(“*”).Form(“main”).Button(“button1”) If I use this Full Name in my test automation script to refer the button it is easy to get...
September 18, 2013
Sometimes we’ll find that our application won’t be open to TestComplete. So the application doesn’t expose any details about the it’s objects and methods, or Testcomplete may not have in-built support for the controls or windows in the application. For example we may have a browser type that is not supported by TestComplete. Equally we may have objects like toolbar buttons, icons that aren’t supported by TestComplete. To automate test on these types of applications, we can use Find Image feature. What do we mean when we talk about automation using the Find Image feature? Using the Image of a particular control, window or object, our script will find the position of the object and then performs an action on...
August 23, 2013
Sometimes with test automation tools it’s difficult not to jump to the conclusion that they aren’t suitable for the job you want them to do. Usually this because of the steep learning curve and the difficulties associated with working out how best to approach the problem you are trying to resolve. One of the most important aspects with any tool is it’s ability to identify objects in the application you’re trying to automate. When you can’t identify the object you’re stuck. With Test Complete you may come across instances where it won’t recognize the control or window in your application. This is because Test Complete may not have in-built support for those objects. So you may think it is impossible...
August 16, 2013
Record and playback features in test automation tools have a bad reputation. Why? When you purchase the automation tool it says on the tin “record and play back”. And for most tools this is exactly what they do. Yet many users seem to expect far more. Let’s be clear though, the tin does not say “record and play back with 4 man years of development which will deliver you a world class framework that will make you look like a god in the realm of software test automation”. As users our expectations for this technology are set far to high. Most test automation tools have this feature and pretty much all of them implement this very well. When you look...
August 12, 2013
For the purpose of this article on test automation tools we are going to focus on Test Complete and creating a script to cover multiple different browser types with multiple windows. Now on the surface this can look very complicated. With Test Complete though we can use parametrization in name mapping to simplify this. What we need to do is first create the script for just one browser type (say Internet Explorer). After that we’ll implement parametrization in the name map and we’ll be able to execute the same test script for different browser types. The process we’ll follow for this is outlined below: 1. create a new project 2. add Internet Explorer as a tested application 3. record the...
June 10, 2013
For many, integrating your test management system with your automation environment is a key aim. Whilst Quality Center integrates with UFT and QTP out of the box, many have other integration requirements. In cases where you might be looking to integrate TestComplete automated tests with Quality Center the following set up and execution instructions may help. A few things need to be addressed as part of the initial setup. A couple of things on the TestComplete client side and a couple of things on the Quality Center server. For TestComplete and the TestComplete client machine you need to … 1) install the HP QC Connectivity Add-In on the TestComplete client machine. This utility is provided by HP and can be...
May 24, 2013
If you are ever in London, I highly recommend Kew Royal Botanic Gardens. It’s perfect on a warm Spring Sunday evening. Miles of stunning trees and plants in bloom. Amazing colours, rolling landscapes, parakeets, and great food. I particularly recommend the treetop walkway. For a relaxing day out, you can’t beat it. Except, that is, when you have a 6-year-old and a 3-year-old with you. That removes the relaxing part from the day. Fun, yes. Relaxing no. So last Sunday evening we’re sitting outside on the veranda of the Orangery restaurant at Kew having a lovely evening meal in the open air. A little old lady wanders over. She asks me if the two children at the table are mine....
May 15, 2013
Have you read Quiet by Susan Cain yet? In it Cain refers to studies that show just how much peer pressure influences our decisions — a concept that has some interesting ramifications for us as software testers. We’re all exposed to peer pressure. Even as testers we are subjected to peer pressure. Peers in development roles question the defects that we uncover. Our project management peers question our test plans. In an attempt to overcome issues with peer pressure, an advertising man named Alex Osborn invented brainstorming. He believed that creativity was stifled by the fear of judgment from colleagues. So he sought to remove the threat of criticism from teamwork. Brainstorming has just 4 rules: 1. Don’t judge...
April 18, 2013
With the release of the 9.8.1 version of QAComplete and ALMComplete SmartBear software have included two new key test management features. The first is a versioning feature that allows you to select which version of a testcase is used in a run. The second is an assignment feature that allows you to assign at the test level. Lets look at both features in a more detail. Versioning QAComplete has always had the capability to automatically increment the version of a case as it’s changed and then use the latest version in new runs. With this new release more of this underlying versioning capability is exposed to the QA engineer to give them more control. You now have the ability to...