We Manage Your Migration So That You Keep Your Testing On Track
Migrating to a new Test Management tool shouldn't disrupt your QA teams productivity. Our migration specialists help you plan a transition that keeps your team productive and your testing on track. Book a free strategy call to learn how we minimize disruption while maximizing adoption.
Schedule a free strategy call to discover how we can:
- Maintain team momentum during migration
- Preserve crucial workflows and processes
- Increase user adoption with conversion training
- Migrate ALL the artifacts that matter to your team
7 Things you need to know about how the Zephyr Test Management module works:
1. Assignment
2. Version control
3. Parametrisation
4. Libraries
5. Result Aggregation
6. Retesting
7. Configurations and Releases
Data extraction tools designed and built specifically to gather all the critical data you've accumulated over years of intensive testing. Support for tools like ALM Octane, Quality Center, Azure Dev Ops and Jira (Xray, Zephyr, QMetry, etc).
With any migration you'll find a need to cleanse and translate your data. From mappings between custom field types to correcting data types and values. Delivering data consistency gives you data accuracy and ultimately helps deliver consistent cross project reporting.
An upload process that gives you the ability to replicate traceability data, attachments, test results and much more. For large scale, high volume, migrations we provide re-try and data checking to ensure reliability and consistency. Template project creation also supported for large scale migrations.

Migrating data between different test management tools presents some unique challenges. Unique challenges due to the interdependent nature of the different types of artifacts and their relationships in test management tools. A unique challenge that is easily solved with our MIG Migration Tool Set.
Test Cases
Migrate tens or even hundreds of thousands of test cases between tools. Support for plain text, rich text and html content. Steps recreated between tools and where supported we'll migrate linked steps too.
Test Plans
Different tools group test cases into different types of entities; Test Plans, Sets or some other type of grouping entity. Either way we can map these entities between tools and migrate to give you the same data sets in your new tool.
Test Results
For some teams archiving results from their legacy tool is all that's needed. For others keeping that history of execution runs is a must. Our migration tool set will support linking of test cases and plans with execution data and results re-created too.
Where you may have large numbers of projects to re-create in the tool you're migrating too there can be a big overhead in just creating the blank projects. Our MIG migration tool set can be setup to create blank template projects on demand and at scale.
Custom Fields
Different tools typically support similar types of custom field configurations. Our migration capability allows mapping and migration of custom fields and custom data sets.
Critical in any migration project is the capability to link records of differing entity types. Being able to replicate and create those traceability records in your new test management system is key.
Migration of attachments always presents some unique challenges. Typically the volume and size of records that need migrating require careful consideration. In this area we support high data volume migrations with consistency checking and retry functionality that guarantees data migration integrity.
If you're about to embark on a data migration project why not talk to us
first? In one of our free, no obligation, discovery calls we can provide you
with advice on how you can best approach your migration project.

Is your organisation in the process of deploying Azure DevOps across your teams? Perhaps your BA's and developers have already migrated? Only problem is your testers are still wedded to legacy test management tools where they have serious amounts of collateral stored.
Migrating that legacy collateral might seem like an onerous task. With the MIG migration tool set and one of our migration consultants on your side we can get your testers and QA teams up and running with Azure DevOps. No hassle, no downtime and no loss of data.

Totally committed to the Jira Eco system for everything in your pipeline? Everything that is except your test management capability? If you're looking to migrate to a Jira based test management solution we can help with the tool evaluation process as well as the migration process.
There are now several competent enterprise capable plugins for Jira. All of which provide comprehensive api interfaces. Our MIG Migration Tool Set makes use of these interfaces to allow you to transfer legacy collateral so that you can benefit from a fully integrated pipeline and full end-to-end traceability.

Looking to pull data out of ALM Quality Center? Or even looking to push data into a new setup of ALM Quality Center? Our MIG Migration tool, with the ALM plugins, allows full bi-directional connectivity to pull data out or push data in.
Typically, we'll work with organisations looking to migrate data from a legacy tool like ALM. Extracting and transforming that data to deliver the benefits of full lifecycle tools like Jira and Azure DevOps. Either way our support for ALM Quality Center guarantees you the assurance of retaining your data for future projects.

The call to end-of-life SmartBear's QAComplete product a year back caught many organizations off guard. Whilst SmartBear are assuring customers of their continued support for QAComplete it's left many nervous about the commitment they've made to deploying QAComplete.
If your dependence on QAComplete is leaving you nervous rest assured that our MIG Migration tool set opens up your options. Thinking of migrating to Azure DevOps? No problem. Thinking of migrating to Jira? No problem. We can get you up and running on the tool of your choice.